Be prepared.
When you’re waiting for your soulmate to finally show up, it can feel like you’re living in limbo.
Either you’re in a dating desert or all the guys you meet are complete and total duds. “Where is he already?” is your daily mantra.
If only you knew how to find your soulmate and hurry things up!
“Stay positive!”
“Just have fun!”
“He’s just around the corner!”
All your friends and family are saying the same thing. But, it’s hard to stay positive when you just got ghosted for the umpteenth time by a guy you were already on the fence about. How in the world can you stay positive when, clearly, the universe is on a mission to keep you and your soulmate apart?
Knowing that your kindred spirit is out there and that you two will be together is the first step in getting closer to actually being together.
To help you stay positive, excited, and hopeful for your soulmate’s arrival in the meantime, there are some things he wants you to know now.
Here are 12 things your soulmate will say when you finally meet him.
1. “To me, you are perfect just as you are.”
You are worthy to be loved. You are worthy of my love. You are good enough for me. You are incredibly beautiful to me, makeup or no makeup. Filters or no filters.
I absolutely love your body. I adore your imperfections. I am the luckiest man alive because I get to spend my life with you.
2. “I want to be in a partnership with you.”
I want us to work together as a team. I want our relationship to be healthy.
I want us to feel safe to talk to each other about anything: our fears, joys, and concerns. I want us to work together to nurture our relationship. Date nights, love trips, and quality time binge watching our favorite shows are must-dos.
3. “I can’t wait to spend my life with you.”
I want to be with you. I love spending time with you.
You’re all I think about. You bring out the best in me. Life is sweeter with you in it.
4. “Do whatever it takes to let go of your past.”
Please heal yourself of any unresolved relationship issues or other issues. It could be with an ex, your parents, a friend, a traumatic situation, addiction, or anything else that you still haven’t let go of.
Let go of any old judgments, fears, expectations, or misunderstanding. Have your heart be open and free to love me completely.
RELATED: 7 Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate (& Your Relationship Is Meant To Last)
5. “Do whatever it takes to love yourself, completely.”
You won’t really know how to love me if you don’t know how to love yourself. And, I want you to love from the overflow, not deplete yourself to be with me.
Our relationship will be more connected on each level: physical, sexual, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Make sure that each of those levels is ready to receive the intimate connections that will be created between us as soulmates and twin flames. Know that you are amazing.
6. “Trust that everything happens for a reason and timing is everything.”
Though I may not be with you yet, I promise that I am on my way to you.
Be patient. Know that I am coming and that I cannot wait for us to be together. And every relationship that isn’t with me is to support you in getting ready for me.
7. “Become the best version of yourself now.”
Don’t wait until I show up because that’s the version of you that I will recognize. That’s the version of you that will attract me into your life.
Having an attitude of gratitude and being someone who is hopeful and positive will be powerful attractants to me.
8. “I want you to be completely yourself with me … warts and all!”
I want you to know that it is safe to be completely yourself with me.
Over the next 50 years (more or less) that we will be together as life partners, things about us may change.
We may put on weight or lose weight. We’ll get sick. We’ll experience things we never thought we would.
But through it all, whether you put on 50 pounds, or vomit for days, I will never leave your side.
9. “I am your best friend and biggest cheerleader!”
I am here to support you, encourage you, empower you, and love you as kindred spirits.
I will have your back no matter what. I want us to spend hours talking, or just sitting quietly holding hands.
I want you to accomplish your dreams and will do whatever I can to help you make that happen.
10. “I want to have fun with you!”
Life is difficult enough as it is.
Let’s enjoy each other and enjoy our lives together. Let’s explore new places, new foods, meet new people. Let’s go on adventures together. Let’s laugh a lot together. Let’s play together.
11. “I want you to continue to do you.”
If we enjoy common interests, then we can do those together.
But, if there are certain things that I don’t enjoy doing, I want you to still do them.
Spend time with your friends. Take your yoga classes.
We’ve got our whole lives to be together, so time apart can be a good thing.
12. “Tell me how to love you.”
One specific thing that I want you to be able to tell me is how I can love you.
We all like to be loved in different ways. It would be a tremendous help to me if you were clear with me about how I can meet your needs.
Become your soulmate’s soulmate now and watch what miracles occur that will help you find him.
He really is on his way to you now, so use this time to prepare and to be in a healthy place in your life so that you’ll recognize him and be able to fully receive him.
Originally published on YourTango.