Be prepared. When you’re waiting for your soulmate to finally show up, it can feel like you’re living in limbo. Either you’re in a dating desert or all the guys you meet are complete and total duds. “Where is he already?” is your daily mantra. If only you knew how…
Why Doing These 5 Things Will Help You Attract Your Soulmate More Quickly
Tired of waiting for true love? When you’re trying to figure out how to find your soulmate, the journey can feel like forever … until you finally come together. But to speed things up, using the ‘Law of Attraction’ can help. The Law of Attraction states that what you focus…
5 Steps to Allow Your Soulmate Relationship In
When you’re on your journey to meeting your soulmate, it can feel like forever until you come together. If you’re like many of my clients, you may be wondering “Where is he already?” or “Why can’t I find him?” Some even question what they’re doing wrong that’s keeping…
5 Reasons Looking For A Soulmate Is JUST Like Shopping For The Perfect Outfit
If you’re doing it right, that is. When you are in search of a new dress or outfit, there are usually steps you take to find the perfect one. You’ve probably refined your technique over the years and know just what shops to check, and what styles look best on…
7 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About What It REALLY Means To Be In LOVE
Want to find your soulmate? You need to know this. When it comes to love, most people have the true definition of love so wrong. Think about the lyrics to some of songs you’ve heard about love. They talk about how hard they want to fall, or how…
To Meet Your Soulmate, First Clear Out THESE 3 Parts Of Your Life
Finding “The One” means nothing if you’re not ready. You may feel like you’re ready for your “One” to show up, but have you really checked in to see if all of you is on that same page? Here are 3 powerful steps that you can take to…
No Soulmate on Valentine’s Day? Never Fear, 3 Cures Are Here!
Valentine’s Day is the “official” day of love and romance. It’s the day that women are supposed to be adored by their man with gifts of flowers, chocolate, and a prix fix menu at a fancy (meaning expensive) restaurant. Unless you’re single. And then you get nothing. The…
You’ll Meet Your Soulmate When You Change Your Point of View
Ever wonder why you haven’t met yours yet? I was talking with a friend recently, and she was complaining about the fact that she felt sick and tired of being single and that there are no good men left. She followed that statement with a heavy sigh and…