Make this the last Valentine’s Day you spend feeling lonely.
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, followed by Singles Awareness Day on February 15, it’s that time of the year when feeling lonely being single seems thrown directly in your face.
You’ve just barely survived the holidays with family members asking the dreaded, “Why are you still single?” question. Now, you’re being overloaded with cute couple-y junk, like sweet, “Will you be my Valentine?” cards and romantic memorabilia galore.
But instead of feeling hopelessness and despairing about being single and all alone on Valentine’s Day, use February 14 as a day to take action and start attracting your soulmate.
If you’re ready to find your soulmate relationship and make sure this is the last Valentine’s Day you spend alone, there are some things you can do to help attract the right person to you.
Plus, you may even have some fun in the process!
Here are 3 smart things to do that will help you find your soulmate and stop feeling lonely being single on Valentine’s Day.
1. Do something fun!
Don’t spend the day sulking or moping around thinking about how much it sucks that you’re still single. Find some single friends to have fun with that night.
And if everyone’s busy, or no one wants to go out, then plan a fun night for yourself. Get your favorite take-out and rent a movie you’ve been dying to see.
Just don’t put a lot of stock in the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day and you don’t have the love of your life … yet.
2. Know it’s going to happen for you with him or her.
It’s one thing to believe that you will find love. But believing it and knowing it are two different things.
When you believe something will happen, there’s still a small amount of doubt that usually creeps up to prove that it won’t. When you know it will happen, there is zero doubt that it won’t.
You deserve to be in the arms of your soulmate. You deserve to be spending next Valentine’s Day doing the most romantic things you can think of with him or her.
Know that you are worthy of love. You are lovable. Your soulmate is on their way to you even now!
3. Clear the way.
Make sure that you choose to do whatever it takes to clear the path for you and your soulmate to finally meet. If there’s anything that could be a block, commit to getting rid of that block.
Some common blocks include obsessing over your ex, wallowing in feelings of fear, doubt, or worry that you’ll never find someone, and self-sabotage.
A few recommendations to stop doing these behaviors are finding a must-read new book, watching videos online that offer comfort and solutions about addressing your specific issues, and finding a coach or therapist to support you in a deeper way.
Whatever you choose to do, just don’t give up on love.
Because it’s in your heart to be in a relationship, you will meet your soulmate and have the relationship of your dreams.
And in the meantime, have fun! Enjoy the freedom and ease that comes with being single until the time is right for you to be in the arms of your one.
I am an internationally-known dating coach, professional speaker, workshop leader, and author of ‘The One Simple Secret to Attracting Your Soulmate Now’. To learn more about how to make this your last Valentine’s Day alone or to schedule a free ‘Become Your Soulmate’s Soulmate Strategy Session’, click here.
Originally published on YourTango.
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